
Forever and Always... for all Eternity.. and the next day.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Trials just ain't what they used to be

I feel like the moment my best friend left for two years... trials and temptations just jumped on board and decided they needed to stick around for him. Really though since Randy has left I've had the hardest time with who finding myself, I sprained my ankle for the first time, I got really sick, I had a friend pass away, I've been lonelier than ever and have been tempted more than I think I ever have my entire life.. and this week my grandma passed away. And the real stumper? It's only been three months. -___- I have 21 more months of THIS?! These really are the most trying and difficult times of my life.. and I have to do it all without my Elder Sly. Well.. sort of :) See that's actually really the miracle of it all, that although he's thousands of miles away (which PS in this weeks he told me that he's getting transferred to an island up in Canada... which makes letters just about impossible...) I know that he's there for me always. I've felt his love, his prayers and his comfort along with my Saviors more than I ever had in my entire life. Yes it's the hardest time.. but it's almost the closest I've felt to everyone in my family. We all have a great understanding of this life and the next... and we know that it's okay! This isn't the end at all :) I love and miss my Grandma more than anything in this world.. but she's at peace and no longer suffering, and that is what makes it all worth it. This week I've reached for my phone multiple times to call Randy and have him comfort me... but then I remember that I can't! He probably doesn't even know or won't know until he gets my letter three or four or forever and a half weeks from now. It's hard.. but so incredibly worth it. I love Randy!!!!!!! I really truly do :)

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