You know how we're supposed to learn new talents and develop our skills while the Mish is gone?? Well here's one! Mailman stalking!! Ah yes. It takes immense skill of knowing just when to open your blinds to look out... or to really track down that sound of the mailman driving by.
Usually my letter coming day goes a bit like this: I wake up SUPER excited, I get all ready... and do just about anything until about 10:30 (one time I sat out and just waited for the mailman to come so I knew about when to expect him... Mailman stalking is a bit creepy. get used to it.) Then at 10:27 I sit in my room and open the blinds... I wait til I can hear the very exact sound of a Mailcar... look to see and then if it's him, I dash outside!! and.. Happiness has arrived :)
Some Saturdays, actually most Saturdays, I'm spoiled and I get my letter every time! But every once in a while we get Saturdays like today where... I think the mailman knows I'm onto him so he keeps my letters hostage -__- cruel cruel man... and when this happens... it's sad but my first thought is.... maybe... he's coming back later? Ah the mailman doesn't come back!! It's a one time show!!! But you know our silly hopes... they go all over the place! So I secretly hope that maybe he just forgot to put it in and will stop by later.. how great would that be!? He comes back and even comes to the door.. rings the door bell... angels sing... and I get my glorious letter from my boy :) Oh yes that'd be the best. Unfortunately this is reality and I think the mailman would rather keep all my letters hostage than deliver them to my door... but! I still have hopes. Usually if they don't come on Saturdays I get them Monday! So instead of today being a good day... that good day has been bypassed til Monday :) The most important lesson about this 101 lesson of Mailman stalking.. is that we ALWAYS like the mailman. Even if he is keeping our letters, laughs at our tears, and drives by waving other girls letters in our faces... we must like the postal service because it's our only source of communication to the ones we love! So stalk him. and love him. We love the Postal Service.
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