
Forever and Always... for all Eternity.. and the next day.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

I'm Awkward and I know it

Okay it's official. I'm an MG. I have my own MG blog, I'm on more than one MG facebook group, I have an MG countdown, a shirt to hold from my missionary, pictures, letters, stamp collections... oh yeah. and a Missionary ;) AH! What an incredible experience this is! There truly is nothing like having your best friend be on a mission. And I may be the only one ever reading this, but it's more of a journal of sorts and advice for me (and whoever happens to come across it) than anything else. But really. It was just yesterday that this guy, details and stories of him will be up here asap, after I told him I was waiting for a Missionary, asked me, "So when you say you're waiting for a Missionary... what does that exactly mean..." haha. good. question. It has a different meaning to each girl! So here on this blog is how I, Katrina Burgoyne, wait for a missionary.
~Post Script: My title is the best. And I think I stole it from another MG, hehe ^_^ she'll never know. BUT. Not only is it incredible in the sense that yes after all this time and hardship, I will always be here for my Missionary... but it's a Harry Potter quote. and... Harry Potter is my life. So it makes it both cute and freakin awesome. that's all :)
~2nd Post Script: I'd just like to make a shout out to my bestie Brianna Stott who is the one who got me to do this blog :) really she's wonders!

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